Job Categories

These categories are linked to Pros in our database. This helps our system match your specific services specific Pros. However, check "general contractor" if your project is complex and needs an onsite analysis from a rehab specialist or general contractor. Clients & Pros: See a category we have missed? Please let us know here.

-Barn and pocket door installation
-Carpentry, building add-ons like room and garage extensions
-Change/install locks
-Concrete, repaving
-Digging for pipes, water direction, yard
-Door installation and repair
-Door lock sets, handle installation
-Electrical, wiring installation, security lighting
-Flooring installation, repair
-Heating unit installation room and patio
-Light fixtures, security lights installation, repair-
-Painting, ceiling, coating
-Pipe installation
-Renovation general
-Security cameras, lights
-Sink installation
-Tile setting, repair
-Trashouts, cleaning
-Plumbing leaks
-Concrete pouring, patching
-Wall repair, installation, painting
-Water flow diverters installation

-Air, dust, particle filtering
-Air conditioner installation, repair, cleaning
-Asphalt laying
-Baseboards, quarter round
-Bathroom countertop/sink installations, vanities.
-countertops, backsplash, renovation, painting, flooring, -plumbing, P traps,
-Cabinet building, installation, repair
-Ceiling installation, patching
-Ceiling fan installation
-Cleanout house
-Clogged drains
-Clothes washing installation
-Home, rooms, kitchen, bathroom, kids room, etc
-Dishwasher installation
-Dryer installation
-Drywall installation
-Garbage disposal installation
-Garage door installation, repair
-Hanging, mounting, TVs, monitors, art, racks, mirrors, curtains
-Hanging art and above non-destructively to walls, no nailing or sticking
-Hot water tank Install/repair in basement or attic
-Kitchen countertop/sink installations, countertops, -Backsplash, renovation Mold remediation
-Painting, flooring, electrical, plumbing, cabinets, P traps,
-Roofing installation, repair and patching
-Light fixture installation
-Security, doors, windows, installations
-Shower head replacement, repair
-Swimming pool construction, repair, cleaning
-Toilet installation and repair
-Trim installation
-Tub installation
-Washing machine installation
-Window installation, repair

-Bamboo growing, yard and patio pots
-Basketball hoop rigging
-Boarding up vacant property
-Brick masonry, repair
-Caulking, sealing
-Decking, build, repair
-Door and Window installation, casing, screen repair
-Driveway cement/asphalt laying
-Facia, repair/replace rotten wood
-Faucet spout, tap, water fixture install, repair
-Fencing build and repair
-Gutters/eaves troughs installation, cleaning, repair
-Gutter guards install, repair
-Koi pond installation
-Landscaping, planting
-Lawn mowing, leaf bagging, yard care
-Mulching, sodding
-Power washing
-Roofs, install new, repair, patch
-Swimming pool installation, repair, cleaning

-Food, caterers

-Mobile Mechanics
-Detail and Wash

-Repair, software installation


-Dog house builds
-Dog fences
-Dog gates
-Dog grooming


-Cleaning, maintenance
-Product installations

-Tree house builds
-Room design
-Gym set builds
-Toddler safety
-Baby gates