
A marketing and production person has hired a number of skilled workers for his properties. As such he has
experienced the frustration of hires who don't do the job, don't show up, abandon it, cause damage, even steal from the job site and more. So we've launched PROhomematch.com that that takes some of the pressure off homeowners who need projects completed with some assurance they are hiring verified talent and not someone who wastes time or worse.

Now don't get us wrong. There are many honest, skilled and conscientious workers out there. The only problem is it's easy to attract characters you wouldn't want to know you. So PROhomematch.com is here to provide preliminary checks and personal interviews before a homeowner talks to our recommended PRO(S) for the job.

That's what we do at no cost to the homeowner if he or she does not order extended (level 2) checks into licenses and history.


PROhomematch.com is developed and run by Ben Harrison. He runs his own agency, www.mymarketpopups.com for organizations and businesses who want full service web sites. For the most part, he does everything there is to do, including media development, copywriting, advertising, SEO and strategic development. For more complex projects he brings in his team or finds digital professionals to work online. He is based out of Memphis, TN.

Contact information below.